Saturday, June 21, 2008

Second Submission...

Voting rewards the cute. And do you get cuter than Love bugs??? I think not.

Friday, June 20, 2008

New Derby

This weeks derby entry. The theme is bugs. So I decided to illustrate a nice jaunty tea time. They're casual right now, but imagince that right after tea they're going to play cricket, and wear monacles and say "Right-O chap." And all that. Vote for it here.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Submission part 2

So I made a second submission for this weeks derby. The theme is 'Home.' So this one is a fishy. A fish that lives in a bowl is boring, a fish that lives in a bowl while terrorizing the seven seas is awesome. The little image on the flag is kinda hard to see - it's the outline of an octopus. Yaaarrrr and such.

New Derby Shirt

This weeks theme was 'Home.' So my design is a homeless guy warming himself in front of his box house, which opens up to a cave of wonders! He's living the dream. With his fancy chair and his stylish chandeliers....

Last weeks entry got rejected for some reason -which incited an online riot. (okay. 6 people were upset but still) Before being banished to rejection land, my design got up to 15th place. Which out of 250+ designs is pretty good. And then the Woot gods released their wraith upon my anthropomorphic bike riders. Oh well, maybe I'll have a chance to re-sub it for a different derby.

Friday, June 6, 2008

New Derby shirt.

New derby shirt up at The theme this week was 'green'. The color or the idea. So my theory is that if endangered species rode their bikes, then we could drive our cars more. Inconsiderate animals..

Anyway. This design didn't take me nearly as long as last weeks, and I like the simplicity of this one a lot more. Not to mention it was fun to try and contort a zebra into a biking position.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Woot Shirts!!!!

So I finally submitted something to the Shirt.Woot weekly derby. The theme was to create a symbol for an imaginary nation. So my nation is the land of overcompensation. Where everything is more extravagent and there's a lot more of it. Their motto: The Amalgamated Territories of the Organization of the United Brotherhood of the Fraternal Order of the Society of Really Important Places.
It's been steady at about 84th place. As long as I stay in the top 100 I think it'll be a solid first showing in my first derby. In order for it to move up in rank people need to vote for it.
Click on the image to see it much larger and with more detail.